Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I like Messenger better, though

I guess I'm not the only one who thinks U2 songs are prayers! (click)

Turn down the volume

I’ve got my iPod on me all the time. I’ve got a commute into work, and so I count on it to keep me entertained when my drive runs a little long. I sometimes get into work early, before anyone else. It’s too quite sometimes, so I even listen to my iPod once I’m in work. Around 9:00, my boss usually shows up, so if I’ve still got those white ear buds in, I pop them out. I don’t want to be caught off guard. I don’t want my boss to come in, and ask me something, and my head’s just bobbing, and I completely miss her calling me.
I know that when I’m alone at work early in the morning, my boss, or a co-worker won’t call to me. But we’ve got to always be ready for God to call us, even after hours. I bet Bono from U2’s right, God’s there beneath the noise, calling to us. We have to make sure we don’t have the ear buds in, and miss out.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Listen carefully

U2 is a great band. So many of their songs are prayers. This is from "Miracle Drug." Sometimes there's so much going on in the world, we aren't listening to God, but he's always there, calling to us.

Beneath the noise
Below the din
I hear your voice
It's whispering . . .
"I was a stranger, you took me in"

Bowling Night

Bowling Night went great! We had a couple of rounds of guys vs. girls, we all got horrible reality TV nicknames, and Todd delivered when the pressure was on with the Pepsi Shot!
We even got to watch the AFC championship. I just reached up to a TV above our lane, and changed the channel from whatever was on, to football. It felt great to do that. I'm not that physically talented in many things. God didn't give me the ability to run very fast, or much physical strength, but he did give me long arms, so when I get to use my athletic ability to serve the youth group, great!
Thanks to all the parents who helped us get to the bowling alley!


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Jars of Clay, Flood

Well I think the CORE made a pretty awesome video for this song when we talked about addiction, but this one's okay, too. (and much less painful for Joe.)

Aaron Shust with My Savior, My God

He're one of our favorite artists performing live:

Monday, January 15, 2007

Drugs and Alcohol

Thanks to everyone for a great discussion last night about the dangers of drug abuse and addiction! If you ever want to talk, you know how to contact us!